A comprehensive psychological evaluation at healthy Mind Specialists is beneficial if you are experiencing mental health challenges that affecting your relationships, work life, academics, or general wellbeing. It can also be beneficial if you just want to know what makes you tick. An evaluation at Healthy Mind Specialists includes a combination of assessment tools that look at personality, behavioral, or developmental functioning.
Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations
When is an evaluation indicated?
What is involved in the evaluation process?
Each evaluation is unique in that it is individualized for the purposes and needs of the patient. It will typically include a clinical interview, and assessment measures that require you to answer questions, solve problems, and perform actions. You may also be asked to provide questionnaires to family, loved ones, or other important people in your life. If beneficial, you may be asked to have a medical examination completed to rule out any underlying health conditions that might influence results.
Common components of a clinical interview that will require you:
- Describing your behaviors, how long they last, and what triggers them
- Describing your symptoms - both physical and mental health
- Describing how the behaviors or symptoms affect work, school, and relationships
- Providing your personal and family health and mental health history
- Completing a health history, including a description of the person’s overall physical health, list of any other illnesses or conditions present, and any current treatments